The intention of these weekly posts will be rather simple. I want to not only provide you with bite-sized wisdom from influential thinkers and elite level performers but also give you practical and actionable ideas that you can implement immediately into your life as an athlete.

Quotes are great and all, but without taking the time to think about it and understand how it can apply to your unique struggles as an athlete, these wise concepts will simply pass you by. So don’t worry about the deciphering, I’ve got that covered. All you have to think about is taking action (which we all know is what athletes do best).

Oh and lastly, why is it called Four Rep Friday? Because reps don’t just come in the form of a shot, a pass, a catch, or in a lift — they are every choice you make and every idea you learn. As far as your brain is concerned, everything you do is a rep. So make the most of each one.
