In the world of wilderness survival, there is something known as the “Rule of 3”.

It states that you can survive…

  • 3 Minutes without air or in icy water
  • 3 Hours without shelter in a harsh environment
  • 3 Days without water
  • 3 Weeks without food

Obviously there are exceptions, but on the whole, it’s a helpful rule of thumb.

Now given that you are currently reading this on your phone or computer, I think it’s safe to assume this information isn’t super useful right now. So instead, I’d like to propose a question:

What areas of your life are you neglecting?

Because here’s the thing. Just because you can go 3 days without water — doesn’t mean you should. And even though we all know that we could get by on a strict diet of Coca-Cola, Coffee, and the McDonald’s value menu — we are keenly aware this is a poor life choice.

By the same token, we know that we are capable of going without certain things in our life. Some of us can easily go days without opening a book, weeks without calling our parents, months without stretching, and even years without re-evaluating our goals. But just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.

The key here is finding a balance. To allocate time for each area of your life and appreciate it while it’s there. It’s easy to get caught up in the athletic grind and just wanting to compete. But don’t neglect what makes you a better, more well-rounded athlete. And for that matter, do not neglect that you are a human being who is more than just an athlete.

Not sure where to begin? Find something on the list below that you think you’ve been neglecting and work on it:

  • Social Life
  • Home Environment
  • Family
  • Mental Health
  • Physical Health
  • Home Cooking
  • Education
  • Career
  • Finances
  • Creativity
  • Spirituality
  • Joy

Just because you can go without it, doesn’t mean you should. Whichever you choose, give it the attention it deserves and make it a part of your life again.
