This Friday I want to dig into the ideas presented by Sebastian Junger in Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging. In an attempt to follow the authors lead, I will be as brief and succinct as possible (the book is roughly 150 pages, but packed with valuable insights).
Whether you are finding yourself concerned about the growing conflict between the left and the right or even seeing division arise within your team, this book explains why the tribe mentality is more important to adopt now more than ever before. Simply put, Tribe explains why we are stronger when we come together, and how that can be achieved even in today’s divided world. Use today’s ideas and actions to make yourself a stronger member for your team.
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Belonging to Something Bigger | 4 Rep Friday
On Homecoming and Belonging
By Sebastian Junger
🏋️ Rep #1 – Feeling Necessary
“Humans don’t mind hardship, in fact they thrive on it; what they mind is not feeling necessary. Modern society has perfected the art of making people not feel necessary.”
Action: You don’t always have to be the best or score the most points. Instead, aim towards being necessary and indispensable. What role can you fulfill that will help the team?
🏋️ Rep #2 – Find Commonality
“If you want to make a society work, then you don’t keep underscoring the places where you’re different—you underscore your shared humanity,”
Action: Is there a particular teammate or coach that you struggle to work with? Don’t seek out your differences to justify your bitterness, look for the common ground and build from there.
🏋️ Rep #3 – Our Three Needs
“human beings need three basic things in order to be content: they need to feel competent at what they do; they need to feel authentic in their lives; and they need to feel connected to others. These values are considered “intrinsic” to human happiness and far outweigh “extrinsic” values such as beauty, money, and status.”
Action: Grab a pen and paper. Write out 3 things you are good at, 3 core-values you believe in, and 3 people you care about. Appreciate, remind yourself, and connect with each respectively.
🏋️ Rep #4 – Worthwhile Risk
“What would you risk dying for—and for whom—is perhaps the most profound question a person can ask themselves. The vast majority of people in modern society are able to pass their whole lives without ever having to answer that question, which is both an enormous blessing and a significant loss.”
Action: What are you willing to die for? (This doesn’t relate necessarily to your athletic career, but it’s a very worthwhile question to ask)
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🏋️ Rep #1 – Being Necessary
Action: What role can you play in making your team better?
🏋️ Rep #2 – Common Ground
Action: Look for the connections, not conflicts.
🏋️ Rep #3 – Intrinsic Needs
Action: Write out 3 skills, 3 values, and 3 people.
🏋️ Rep #4 – The Big Question
Action: What are you prepared to die for?
Thanks for stopping by the Daily Athlete Gym 💪🧠
See you next Friday!
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– Derek
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