What comes to mind when you read this quote?  

“If you know the Way broadly you will see it in everything.”

― Miyamoto Musashi

Perhaps it means…

  • If you always know where you’re going, you can get there from anywhere.
  • (OR) If you know your path, you will see purpose in everything.
  • (OR) Excellence in anything increases your potential in everything.
  • (OR) Maybe you’re just scrolling by and don’t feel like getting into such deep interpretation.

Regardless of your exact interpretation of the quote, I believe we can all walk away with an important reminder.

Just waking up, going through the motions, and hoping that things will work out in your favor is not a reliable option for success as an athlete or in any area of life. We need to remain focused on what is right in front of us and be the best we can be at it. Even if that means putting our effort and our attention to tasks that seem unrelated to our sport, we should dedicate ourselves to be excellent in it — no matter what!

Ultimately, this is another reminder that how we do one thing is how we will do anything. There is a bleeding effect on our actions and thoughts.

Being a good communicator is not something that shows up exclusively in your sport. It’s practiced in how you speak with your parents or the way you interact with cashiers.

Being a good learner is not reserved for the time spent between the lines of the court. It’s being cultivated when you fail an exam, or when you get dumped, or as you’re reading a gripping novel.

Below is an example of what that might look like:

Growth shows up everywhere

As athletes, we often like to compartmentalize sports from everyday life — yet, there is a massive overlap. And the sooner we can see the influence that our non-athlete actions have on the athlete actions, the more adept we will be at seeing opportunities for growth. Once we make this crossover, going to through the checkout is no longer just a mindless routine and your conversations with friends, or family, or strangers take on a whole new meaning.

However, none of this can take place unless we understand what we are trying to accomplish.

The way of ease vs. the way of strain

To put this all into perspective and provide you with a nice little visual to walk away with, check out the images shown below.

In the first figure we see what happens when someone takes on the path of setting a goal. Whether it’s small or monumental does not matter. Simply having an aim is the key. In this situation because they have chosen a goal, there is a clear path, a repeated way of thinking, a primed idea of what to look for, and in general a good mood because we as humans enjoy an optimal challenge.

The Way of Ease

As a result of this, such a person would pass through “The Way of Ease”, a path that feels familiar because they planned for it. It also feels true and genuinely good because they are not deceiving themselves. And in some ways it almost feels effortless because even the challenges and setbacks along the way begin to serve an ultimate purpose.

Conversely, we have another way of living. One in which a person chooses no goals or aims in life. Because of this they lack a path, have inconsistent behavior, have no ideas of what to do next, and in general are unsure where life is going.

The Way of Strain

Someone going through their life in such a manner is choosing “The Way of Strain”, and is putting themselves on an aimless journey. Because of this choice, things will feel unfamiliar due to the fact that they have no clue whether or not they’re even making progress. They will feel dishonest and bad for their lack of progress. And lastly, things just feel that much more difficult. Without any direction, small obstacles feel more like massive mountains to climb and even when times are good they still can’t help but wonder where this is all leading to.

The upfront work to establishing meaningful goals can be daunting. If anything it feels easier to just go through the motions, show up like everyone else, and hope that things work out. What’s not easier is the mental strain you will face every day as you drag yourself through meaningless actions that serve very little purpose.

Take the time to create a path you want and you will find yourself enjoying life more through “The Way of Ease” rather than the one full of strain. You will find yourself learning, growing, and improving in every moment of life.
